With the enigma of summers still seizing our mind-share and heart-share, electives have come up with their own crap to escalate the pain in our posteriors. From the more popular MR, MS, IR, PM, SM, PDM, SBM, SCM, SCF, to the more absurd ADIS, ALTL, CSRCG, FSABV, ETSBM, BSSE, PPSA and blah blah blah, Prabandhan Prodyogiki Sansthan offers it all. Why not add BS, SOB, FO, GPL, KLPD too to the glory of our Janam Kundli (read CV). After all, the inadequacy of crap in your fate denotes experiential laggardness in your character. A bunch of blue eyed kids, lead by Mr. Seedling and Mr. Pride, with the noble aspiration of greater good for the masses, tried to re-assault the 73 times ravaged elective wish list. But when in Ramgarh, do as Thakur Sahab says and they had to come back disgruntled.
The phenomenal success of suite allotment done by Self Appointed Caretakers is already bearing fruits for the sophomores. Yesterday an angry looking young man was heard swearing for being allotted a bathroom. Also, they are planning to distribute free mattresses to those incoming bacchalogs who unfortunately could not get the suites. Arrangements are being made for their comfortable stay in hostel corridors or the lush green well-lit stadium. So much for the choices which were never available to the sophomores. Meanwhile, it must be noted that the almighty Caretakers have shown mercy on bacchalogs by disallowing physical torments this year. However, it will be made sure that some of them become good athletes running around. A tour to hell is also being organized. Also, sophomores have been directed not to good-mouth about the clubs & coms, let them know it firsthand.
Lastly, a word of praise for aKka and his daredevils who fought a long battle for their right of education in chosen field. Walking a twin edged sword, they held their flags high right till the end. Though they lost, it revealed yet another greatness of Prabandhan Prodyogiki Sansthan of teaching lessons the hard way. As Marketing-ki-Maa used to say, life is mostly difficult. We are not sure about the world, but it definitely is here.
Keep itching!!
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